Hello & Welcome.

Drying oranges for decorating, gifting, & more!

Holiday Season has arrived and for many that means making the house as festive and cozy as possible. We love a natural holiday style so we stick to a lot of wood, oranges, natural fiber ribbon, beeswax candles, 

What you'll need



Preheat your oven to 200 degrees

Slice oranges into 1/4 inch rounds. If you cut too thin they will curl up. If you cut too thick they will take forever to dehydrate. 

Once I have all my oranges cut I lay them flat across a kitchen towel. I then take another towel on top and use the palm of my hand to press as much moisture out of the oranges as possible. This simply speeds up the dehydration time.

I line 2 cookie sheets with oranges and place them in the oven for 40 minutes. 

  • Every 40 minutes I check on my oranges & flip them. 
  • One you start to notice oranges looking done, begin checking every 20 minutes. 
  • It usually takes about 3 hours in our oven.

Lay out to cool, I let them dry on the counter a few more days, then string them onto string for ornaments, garland, or in this case; a display for our shop!

For the shop stringing you see below I used cotton twine & a tapestry needle from Joann Fabrics.

*see Instagram reel for video walk through!